Sunday, May 22, 2011

Buenos Documentales

and At home in Utopia


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Recordando Benedetti

Mario Benedetti (1920 – 2009) fue de los hombres de esa formidable generaciòn de los 20's, que creìa en la generocidad de la vida, en la capacidad constructiva y formatica del trabajo, en el logro basado en en el esfuerzo diario, en la lucha cotidiana, en la capacidad regeneradora, transformadora y vital del amor. Benedeti fue de la misma generaciòn de mi padre, tu abuelo, lo que nos permite sin conocer a Benedetti imaginar su presencia y capacidad de dar.
Benedeti, me lleva a pensar en Bertold Brecht que decìa algo asì como: hay hombres que luchan, pero hay otros que luchan toda la vida, estos segundos son los imprescindibles (lo repite en algùn lugar Silvio Rodrìguez). Benedetti con sus escritos nos ayuda a mantenernos en el camino, eso lo hace estar entre los imprescindibles. Benedetti nos dejo armados de amor por la lucha y la poesia. Eso ya nos compromete.

Espero que todos nos sigamos sintiendo mucho màs que dos.

Te Quiero

Tus manos son mi caricia
mis acordes cotidianos
te quiero porque tus manos
trabajan por la justicia

si te quiero es porque sos
mi amor mi cómplice y todo
y en la calle codo a codo
somos mucho más que dos

tus ojos son mi conjuro
contra la mala jornada
te quiero por tu mirada
que mira y siembra futuro

tu boca que es tuya y mía
tu boca no se equivoca
te quiero porque tu boca
sabe gritar rebeldía

si te quiero es porque sos
mi amor mi cómplice y todo
y en la calle codo a codo
somos mucho más que dos

y por tu rostro sincero
y tu paso vagabundo
y tu llanto por el mundo
porque sos pueblo te quiero

y porque amor no es aureola
ni cándida moraleja
y porque somos pareja
que sabe que no está sola

te quiero en mi paraíso
es decir que en mi país
la gente viva feliz
aunque no tenga permiso

si te quiero es porque sos
mi amor mi cómplice y todo
y en la calle codo a codo
somos mucho más que dos.

Friday, February 13, 2009

CPSJ Description and Goals

Here's the description the students worked up two years ago:

Several universities have student organizations of planners working on local projects and representing active and progressive movements. This group arose out of the realization that there is a lack of critical planning and a discussion surrounding the barriers in its development in the UCI planning student body. Planning students are actively looking to establish relationships with the surrounding community. It seems like Orange County could be ground zero for ethnic and class tensions, and many movements are taking shape. As planners and students our involvement within such movements not only enriches our educational experience, but it is also our responsibility.

• Creating an active student base of planners providing support (for local urban and social movements, alternative planning projects, etc)
• Help establish a network of student planners working for underrepresented and underprivileged communities
• Exploring our roles as planners working to change the status quo and not reproduce it.
• Creating a space for people of color within the program
• Recruiting progressive masters and doctoral students to the Planning and Policy Department of University of California, Irvine –


Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Some ideas for and from the syllabus

3 ideas:
1. more field trips
2.  map of OC for final event/project
3.  pictures of our field trips to be exhibited at our final event/celebration - because celebrations are always good!

Just thinking we may want to do some more field trips?  Also Carolina and Mike created a map of orange county that we may want to revisit with our end of term project.  before our initial meeting I was thinking maybe we could do multiple field trips to different cities and people/groups could prepare analysis of the city and present to the rest of the group?  during these trips it would be great to take pictures that could be apart of our archives but also serve as a part of our final project and exhibition?!  Just some thought to chew on...... 

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Meeting Notes from Nov. 6th Anthill Pub Meeting

NOTES FROM OUR PREVIOUS MEETING. Im terrible, sorry it took me so freakin long.

Class Scheduled for Spring 2009

Here are the weekly topics (so far, as drafted), lets' add readings, ideas, speakers, thoughts, on to each one.

The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday Nov.12th (TODAY!) at 6:30 pm

1. Critical Planning Methodology. What is a critical planning analysis and what methods are involved.

Marcuse, Peter. Critical Planning. Article Presented in ACSP conference

2. Radical and Insurgent Planning --what theory lies behind this? "other" type of planning, what are the differences (radical, insurgent, critical, etc)?

Friedman, John

3. Other critical perspectives -- race, gender, sexuality. Other critical and theoretical perspectives need to be incorporated within the radical/critical planning practice.

4. Strategies, Tools, and Tactics -- the how to in critical planning

5. Case Study Example: what examples can we study

6. Case Study Example: what example can we study

7. Case Study -- our case studies and critiques that we're examining (we could probably incorporate our interests here, like pedestrian planning, environmental justice, etc).

8. Case Study -- our case studies and critiques that we're examining

9. Field Trip -- radical and critical planning practice

10. Breaking down the Barriers to Critical Planning Methods: What are the barriers to critical planning in planning practice and disciple, and how can we go about breaking down the barrier?

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Previous Student Initiated Classes

Here's some amazing student iniated classes to look into:

At UCI, we did Critical Planning in Orange County in Spring of 2007

UCLA Planning students have two courses they've created. Revolutionary Planning and a course on Critical Race. It was a collaboration between Urban Planning, Social Welfare, and Public Policy departments.

Check out the link


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